May Newsletter 2019
May 09, 2019
When we hear the first robin sing, see the curly rhubarb leaves push out of the soft earth and smell the fresh rain falling across the fields, we get excited! Spring is finally on its way. With that comes the longstanding ritual of Spring Cleaning. We welcome a fresh start in our homes as the world outside awakens. We stow away the heavy bedcovers, shake out the dusty rugs and wash the windows to let the sunshine dance in. What if we did a mental spring cleaning as well? Wouldn’t it be great to throw off the heavy worries, shake out the comparisons and discontentment, and wipe away the fears that cloud our decisions?
Let the sunshine of courage, gratitude and joy dance freely in our refreshed hearts this spring. When you are done your spring cleaning, come to an info session or visit our office. We are happy to help you make Charis Village your sparkling new home
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