Charis Village News Updates
Charis Village Cafe
Dec 13, 2018
HAVE A LONELY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas is often the highlight of the year; a time with family and friends, gifts, games, religious traditions and food. However, for some people, Christmas is a lonely time. Children have moved away, a loved one is gone, friends are on holidays, or illness keeps you home. How can Christmas be a quiet time and still be a joyful holiday? No matter where you are in your journey, a mindset of peace and gratitude goes a long way to overcoming loss and loneliness. Spend some con…
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Sales Office now Open
Oct 24, 2018
Charis Village Sales Office is now open at Parkland Place#306, 5033 - 52 Street, Lacombe Phone# 403-506-0051Meet our Marketing Representative, Warren Kay who is available to answer your inquiries on Monday to Friday from 10 am till 12 noon, and 1 pm till 5 pm.You will be able to view the floor plans of the duplexes. and of Chinook Villa, the 4 storey, 46 unit condominium.We invite you to become part of our Village of care.
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Groundbreaking News Release
Oct 11, 2018
Charis Village Seniors Housing for Central Alberta Groundbreaking Ceremony Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 11:30 AM, 72 Avenue and C&E Trail, Lacombe Alberta
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This year we continued moving forward with our vision, “to establish a not for profit organization based on Christian values, providing a caring community for seniors by respecting their needs with dignity and compassion.” Charis President's Report 2017.pdf